Strategies for smart and sustainable growth

Since Poliste’s beginning in 2003, we have been involved in promoting environmental sustainability, through projects of different types but all aimed to a participatory involvement in understanding problems and raising awareness, which is the very base for sustainable behaviours.

In more than 15 years we have realised integrated projects, we have carried out communication campaigns and environmental and sustainability education campaigns, we have implemented animations processes for enterprises’ networks, and we have activated spaces for constructive participation. Our areas of interventions are numerous and have concerned all the relevant sectors of the Environmental European planning: biodiversity, energy, mobility, hydric resources, waste, food and health…

Among the many projects of technical assistance, for example, we have supported the politics of green procurement, supporting the Region of Sardinia (Environmental Protection Department) in the gradual changeover of the acquisitions of goods, services and energy supplies to other goods and services with a minor environmental impact, through the implementation of GPP policies, training, drafting of calls according to the minimum environmental criteria and the animation of enterprises. We supported the Industry Department of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, within the ROP-ERDF 2014-2020, in drafting the call and with territorial animation actions on the subject of Smart Grid, for sustainable energy for the Sardinian Municipalities.

We are extremely committed on the subject of sustainable mobility, of planning and implementation of interventions which foresee awareness and involvement actions, production of information materials, laboratories on education to sustainability reaching different targets, training on Mobility Management, implementation of the “Piedibus” (Walking Bus) within the format of “I Bravi Piedoni”.

We have promoted high-quality training, as for the project COVER (green consultant for the environmental competitivity) funded by the ESF, which has trained specialists in environmental sustainability who can provide services to the enterprises and the Public Administrations.

We have strongly promoted the nutritional education, for example with the campaign “Acqua in bocca”, a training pathway which was related to nutrition but also to environment and culture, oriented to critical consumption of sustainable fishery products.

Most of all, we have managed numerous networking actions and participatory processes, as with that which led to the creation of the “Rete Sardegna Produce Verde”, a network of enterprises, organisations and professionals which offers natural and sustainability-oriented product and services.

On behalf of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, we produce several publications which illustrate the state of the art of Sardinian policies and practices, such as “Il punto sugli acquisti pubblici ecologici”, “Buone pratiche di sostenibilità ambientale”, “Sostenibilità energetica in Sardegna. Il progetto Smart City”.

Our activities are planned so that their environmental impact should be reduced, and they could be sustainability-oriented.


Main customers


Serenella Paci, Managing partner Poliste
+39 335 5349309

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